HW Says - Eyebrows At Their Best

I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my eyebrows, we all know how important they are, balancing your facial features and framing your eyes. Well I’ve recently discovered a few tools that have helped me get…very close, to my perfect eyebrows:

First step is getting professional help with shaping, and if you’re like me and have fair coloured eyebrows, tinting is great.

Good tweezers are also required to keep on top of those strays! These Mac tweezers are amazing with angled tips for precision plucking…but as you can tell I may be slightly brand bias!

Lastly it comes down to two essential brushes and a powder which is actually eyeshadow, I know I was shocked too! The lash brush, which is typically a mascara brush, is perfect for brushing eyebrows into shape. Then the angled brow brush enables you to define and/or fill your eyebrows through the application of the eyeshadow creating your desired shape. The results are much more natural than what you can achieve using a pencil, just make sure you get professional advice when choosing your colour.

Let me know your tips for perfect eyebrows, the quest will never be over!

Nikita xx