The Changing Landscape of Fashion

...and Hungry Wardrobe. A necessary change, a small but significant change, a change for good, and it all starts with us. Join me on the journey!

It's time for recent years the prevalence of ethical and sustainable fashion has continued to grow, which is a positive direction for an industry that has since the 90’s been dominated by the notion of fast fashion. However, in a time poor and price driven society it is not something the majority of the population has paid all that much attention to.

Eco fashion to most of us comes with a preconceived idea of being unfashionable and unattainable, too expensive and too difficult to find. While fast fashion has become our default with new styles on constant rotation, stores on every corner and price points that continue to drop. In a perfect world I would like to think that of course we would all choose to wear clothing made ethically and sustainably, but nothing is perfect and we have become so driven by marketing and consumption that we are now at a crossroads...

Do we choose to continue this cycle of consumerism or realise that we have to start somewhere and we are all accountable for this change. We can no longer continue down this path and turning a corner is much easier and more rewarding than you might think.

After a significant contrast in my everyday surrounding landscape, the luxury of time and a renewed drive for the positive effects personal styling can have, it has become my goal to empower women to improve the way they consume clothing...and feel good while doing it! By joining the Hungry Wardrobe Style Journey you can discover your colours, get to know and love your body, find your style and learn to become a more conscious consumer along the way. It's an achievable goal for us all, and you might just have some fun in the process!

It's time to become part of the slow fashion movement and all it requires is change...a change in the way we view clothing, quality and price, a change in our shopping habits, a change in mindset. We don’t need to be perfect, but we do need to become more aware.

Let's curb consumerism conscious step at a time!